THEMATIC SESSIONSResearch papers highlighting the role of life skills and/or yoga in the following areas are invited:
1. Nurturing Social Inclusion
2. Promoting Societal Integration
3. Enhancing Quality of Life
4. Reducing the Skills Gap to enhance Employability
5. Enhancing Positive Mental Health
6. Addressing Educational practices for 21st Century Education
7. Fortifying Health & Well-being
8. Fostering Multicultural Mind-set
9. Strengthening Civic Participation and Engagement
10. Innovation and Technology to accelerate progress for Quality Education
11. Policy Interventions for competency enhancement and role of Government for youth /children/women/marginalised communities
12. Facilitating Life Long Learning
• Paper (Oral Presentation)
• Online Paper presentation
• Poster presentation
Abstracts and final papers must be submitted online in .doc format at
Abstracts submitted for consideration should use the following criteria:
- An abstract should not exceed 300 words. (Any abstract that exceeds the required word count will not enter the review process).
- The relevant conference sub- theme should be identified.
- The abstract should be written in English. Font: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing is 1.5, overall margins is 1”; APA Reference style.
- The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study.
- Abstracts should state briefly and clearly the background, purpose/objectives, methodology, results and conclusions/discussions of the work and keywords.
- The abstract should clearly indicate the first author of the paper by adding one * as the superscript after the name. (Eg: Akhila* )
- The designation and affiliation of the authors should be mentioned on a separate page. The contact details of the first author, including phone number and email address should be mentioned.
Submission of full papers for oral/poster/online presentation:
- The full paper should not exceed 2500 – 3000 words
- Author's name should be on the title page only, in order to facilitate a blind referring process.
- The following order is to be noted when typing the manuscript: Title, Authors, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Main Text, Acknowledgements, Appendix and References.
- The manuscript must be typed, 1.5 spaced (single spaced for indented material, notes and reference). Font size of all heading, including title should be in 14, Times New Roman and text should be in 12, Times New Roman. Margins must be of 1 inch in all sides. APA format should be used for reference.
- Submission of full papers should include a separate page containing:
o Title of paper
o Suggested topic and Sub theme
o Name(s) of authors
o Organisation/Institution affiliation
o Contact address, Cell phone, Fax, E-mail address
The papers will be scrutinized by an Editorial Committee. A digital copy of book of Abstracts will be published during the conference. The Abstract Book will include only those abstracts which are accepted for presentation. Selected papers will be published in the International Journal for Life Skills Education (Peer Reviewed journal with ISSN) and as an edited volume with ISBN.
Through a poster presentation, the presenter may provide a visual summary of their research and/or innovation to be displayed for sharing with conference delegates. There will be dedicated time allocated in the conference program for poster viewing by delegates and also an opportunity for poster presenters to discuss their work with conference delegates on an individual basis.
Posters will be selected for presentation by the Scientific Committee by a double-blind peer review process.
Note: Time allotted for poster presentation is 5 to 7 minutes per presentation.
We are happy to include online presentation during this conference through Skype or similar mode. Please refer to the abstract and full paper submission guidelines mentioned above.
Points to note:
- Early bird offer for registration
- Time and date will be fixed and communicated to you in advance
- Presentation time is 5 minutes with a maximum of 7 minutes per presenter
- Presentations should be emailed along while submitting your full paper
- The presenter should be present online in the time period mentioned for the presentation.
- Presentation certificate (colour scan) will be sent by email