Training of Trainer (TTT) for Life Skills Training Modules for the Youth and Children of World Vision India
Venue: World Vision Community Center, Kalimpong, West Bengal.
Dates: 16th July – 20th July 2018
World Vision is a charity, working to improve the lives of children in need.
IALSE had developed a manual for Life skills Training for Leadership and Vocational Skills Training of the youth/children of World Vision and was invited to conduct a Train the Trainer (TTT) program for the facilitators of the Life Skills Training Modules, to support them in effective module implementation of the training manual.
The training was carried out in the Kalimpong target community of the World Vision project for a period of 5 days from 16th – 20th July 2018. About 35 trainers and peer educators from the community participated in the interactive and experiential training. The training enhanced their awareness about life skills, oriented them to the use of participatory methods for life skills training and also involved hands on training sessions with practice in simulated setting and feedback for effective implementation.
The training team comprised of three experienced life skills trainers from IALSE. The training was well appreciated by the participants and the World Vision team.